French Tech Tour Benelux

Comet Meetings - Louise, Place Stéphanie 20, 1050, Brussels, Belgique
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Langue(s) de l'événement
English, French

Connecting Frontiers in Cybersecurity & Finance. Meet France's most innovative Cyber and Fintech companies

The CCI FRANCE BELGIQUE organizes the

French Tech Tour : Cybersecurity & Finance on Tuesday, October 15 in Brussels


The CCI FRANCE BELGIQUE invites you to its event on October 15, 2024, starting at 12h30, on the theme of Cybersecurity and Finance. This event will feature a diverse panel of 10 key Tech companies from these two sectors.

Our aim is to organize a program of meetings with the companies that interest you, in order to encourage Franco-Belgian exchanges and move things forward within Belgian companies.

Come and discover how your sector will operate in the coming years:

  • Network with your counterparts in other Belgian companies

  • Meet companies, startups and scale-ups

  • Talk to industry experts from the Belgian Tech ecosystem

  • Support startups in their international development


15 octobre 2024
12:00 - 13:30 Networking Lunch
13:30 - 14:20 Start-up pitch sessions
14:20 - 17:30 B2B Meetings & Networking
17:30 - 19:00 Networking cocktail

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